Love Your Baby: Follow The Healthy Pregnancy Diet

Healthy Pregnancy Diet

Pregnancy is a very sensitive period in every woman’s life. This is because she has to take care of herself and the baby inside her. Because the baby takes the nutrients it needs from the mother, it is important for the pregnant woman to ensure that she eats right for her health and her baby’s as well. That’s why the health pregnancy diet is recommended for every pregnant woman.

You shouldn’t worry that your diet will be changed drastically because you are now required to adopt a healthy pregnancy diet. In fact, the foods are not that different, they are only healthier. So, if you are adopting a poor diet, it’s time that you make some changes for the better. Specifically, pregnant women should follow a balanced diet where all the food groups are represented well.

The first thing that you should remember is that the healthy pregnancy diet suggests a maximum of 4 servings of dairy products daily because these offer vitamin D and calcium. Cheese, low fat or skim milk and yogurt belong to dairy and you can opt for soy options if you have issues with dairy products. Aside from dairy products, another recommendation is protein, which should be two servings every day. Sources of protein range from beef, chicken, lamb, fish, seafood to pork. But, because you are pregnant, you need to be choosy especially when you eat seafoods as some contain mercury, which is bad for the baby.

For pregnant women who love vegetables, the healthy pregnancy diet recommends one to two servings of fresh green leafy vegetables, including cabbage, spinach, lettuce, mustard greens and collard greens. Whole grains are also part of this healthy diet and 5 servings are advised for pregnant women because these provide minerals, vitamins and fiber. Most women would prefer whole wheat bread, but they have to check whether they are eating bread tagged with “100% whole wheat” because some are only enriched wheat and these are not whole grain.

Fruits are present in every diet plan, and the healthy pregnancy diet plan is no exception. emphasizes the importance of including nutrient-rich fruits, as they are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for our body. Some of the recommended fruits are grapefruit, orange, and tomato. Two eggs are also suggested to be part of your diet daily because these contain protein, minerals, and vitamins.

If you think that caffeine will be banned if you are pregnant, then you should not worry too much because you can consume a healthy amount of coffee, soda and tea even if you follow the healthy pregnancy diet. Experts and physicians recommend the daily intake of 6-8 ounces of these beverages on a daily basis. You can also opt to drink a decaffeinated coffee if you crave for more. Of course, let’s not forget water and its important role in keeping us hydrated all day long.

When the craving for sweets tends to overpower you, just always remember that you’re doing this not for yourself alone, but for the baby. And you don’t want to compromise the baby’s health, I’m sure so you need to exercise restraint.

Pregnant and want to ensure that your baby will get the right nutrients? Visit the website The Dieting Solution to read more about the healthy pregnancy diet.